October 2012 archive

Mikrotik DNS Failover Script

Traditionally, a minimum of two DNS servers are used for any given computer for redundancy. The problem is that Windows computers (and others) will choose the fastest responding server and ignore the order given (primary, secondary, etc.). If we wish to force a primary and only fail over to a secondary, then scripting coupled with …

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Fall Newsletter

The Fall Newsletter is finished and you should be receiving one in the mail here in the next few days. Here are some of the featured topics in this edition: Pictures from Summer Reading Kansas Notable Books What is happening at libraries across the system ILL Tips & Tricks 6 by 6 And much, much, much, more! …

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Kansas Snapshot Day: November 11 – 17, 2012

Taken from an email from Candace LeDuc, Communications Coordinator, State Library of Kansas Save the Date:  November 11-17, 2012    What would Kansas be like if there were no libraries?  What valuable services do we provide on a daily basis that simply go unrecognized and unappreciated? The State Library of Kansas needs your help.  We’re taking a snapshot of …

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Dnsmasq on CentOS 6 for Filtering

DNS filtering is a quick and easy method to block access to certain websites. It can be used to block third party advertisements within websites, block known malware infected sites, and can even be used as a content filter (pornography, etc.). In this post, we’ll walk through setting up Dnsmasq on CentOS 6. Dnsmasq is a …

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